Your Eco-Footprint mind-map is due June 9 (or before). It is worth 15% of term 3. Our ONLY full class together is on May 29. This class will be devoted to review for your final test on Friday, June 2. You must be in class for this exam, worth 30% (+/-) of term 3. Only a proper medical or legal note will excuse you from this exam; if none is forthcoming, your mark on the exam is 0%.
Global Footprint Network: use this link. Also, read this blog post about eliminating "8 bits of plastic."
Task: Create a mind map
Include the following elements:
- define the Ecological Footprint (centre of page)
- causes of “Ecological Footprint” (there should be about 4-5)
- countries' EF: worst (5) and least (5) offending countries (their location, their Footprint size, and interesting, pertinent information, etc…).
- differences between developed countries’ footprint and LDC’s Footprint; reasons for this…
- Reducing footprint: ways in which society, individuals can reduce the Footprint (organize into countries and individuals; provide about 5 each)
- Harmful Water consumption (ex. industries... or issues surrounding the water usage and the Footprint differ between Asia and Las Vegas
Each element can be developed in a different quadrant of your paper. Branch out logically; think of illustrations to add...
Watch this video:
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