Monday, December 5, 2011

Identify the three fastest growing megacities pictured below:

Megacities, 2002

And completely off topic, an article about ship-breaking (bet you don't know what that is...). Treated in Edward Burtynsky's, The End of Oil.


  1. I'll take a guess as to which cities those are.

    1)I'm just going to take a random guess at this one, and say that it's Mumbai. The elephant walking in the street gave me a feeling it was there.

    2) Dhaka, since the streets are extremely crowded and it is one if the fastest growing megacities in the world. The vehicles and people also hint at the location.

    3) Judging by the location near shore, and the buildings, I'd have to say Lagos, Nigeria. I'm not to sure about the climate and such, so I could be wrong.

    Don't laugh at me if I got them all wrong!

  2. #1: Right country.
    #2: :)
    #3: Good guess. Nope.

  3. 1) Delhi?

    3) Manila (Probably wrong)

  4. Delhi,Dhaka and Karachi

  5. The first is Delhi
    The second is dhaka
    and the third is mexico city
