Thursday, March 29, 2012

You've come a long way, baby...

In 1967, Kathrine Switzer was the first woman to run the Boston marathon. After realizing that a woman was running, race organizer Jock Semple went after Switzer shouting, “Get the hell out of my race and give me those numbers.” However, Switzer’s boyfriend and other male runners provided a protective shield during the entire marathon.The photographs taken of the incident made world headlines, and Kathrine later won the 1974 NYC marathon (women's division) with a time of 3:07:29.

Who are you in this story? The harbinger of progress and equality? The rallying troops willing to stand up for what's right? Or just another Bull Connor, aggressively fighting against integration and inclusion?

Since joining the marathon and ultra-marathon races, women have made greater progress in less time than men. Race over 30 miles, and now it's coin toss which gender will win. Long distance running evens the playing field. So pull on your favorite kicks, and hit the road to celebrate what we have in common!

Update: In this 2007 interview with Kathrine Switzer, she discusses the event, its impact, and her friendship with Jock Semple. He was a product of his time and circumstances. And while that does not excuse his actions, his eventual 180 on the topic offers some reconciliation.


  1. The post and the article are very interesting.

  2. Oh, what did you think of the budget, Ms?
    I think one of the only good moves the government did was scrapping the penny! Besides that, they went against almost everything they promised in the election, and they mad some pretty bad choices.
    Hopefully the voters realize this before the next election comes and vote for either the Liberals or NDP. I'm hoping that Thomas Mulcair can fit into his new role well. The Conservatives need a strong opposition!

  3. Hmmm... the budget...

    Well, I'm no expert on budgets (ask my mother), but I found it to be "weak". I agree with the increase in eligibility for OAS payments; given our demographics, people should be working longer. That being said, it will increase the numbers of elderly living on the poverty line AND the cost to support them will be off-loaded onto the provincial governments, as it is within their purview. Secondly, friends and family will be losing their jobs because of the cuts to public sector jobs. I see the need to trim the fat, so to speak... but some of it is too harsh. I whole-heartedly support an institution like the CBC; they provide excellent service and continue to do so despite budgetary cut-backs every year. It's an important institution that links Canadians in many ways. Fire Don Cherry, I say. And the penny... well, I like the romance of the penny. The sayings, it's history... ("A penny saved is a penny earned"... "A penny for your thoughts"..."It's worth every penny"... or Shakespeare's "Penny wise, pound foolish"... And what will I be able to throw into a FOUNTAIN? Five cents? Now that's inflation. :) But if it costs more than a penny to produce a penny, it doesn't make good financial "cents" (ha ha ha) to continue minting it.

    Enjoy Easter. Did you know that the creation of McDonald's "Filet-O-Fish" is directly related to Good Friday?

  4. I agree with most of the points you gave. :-)
    Getting rid of the penny was still a really good idea. Like you said, it costs more than a penny to produce one. Plus, not many people use it and they just sit around.
    Other than that, I don't think I've agreed with anything else when it comes to the Conservatives. :)
    Happy Easter to you too! I just think of it as chocolate. :P

    No, I didn't know that!
