Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Review questions: World Population & population trends

Class: Thursday, 15 Oct.:
-review using the questions below;
-correct together, discuss, explain.

Review: World pop., distribution & global trends
  1. What does distribution mean? Demography? Why is “demography?” important?
  2. What is the current global population? Projections for 2100?
  3. Which 3 countries are the most populous (in order)? Which country will become the most populous by 2022?
  4. What trends in global fertility & mortality rates? Why?
  5. What explains why the global pop. will continue to boom?
  6. In what region will we see the highest rate of growth? 
  7. Which countries face population stagnation/decline? What explains their population decline, etc.?
  8. What do these countries do to promote pop. growth?
  9. Where is the globe most crowded?
  10. What percentage of the global pop. lives in Asia?
  11. After Asia, what are the 2 & 3 most populated regions?  
  12. How many people live in developing or LDC’s?
  13. Why will Africa, esp. sub-Saharan, see a population “explosion”?

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